Pakistan Emergency

The 2022 floods in Pakistan have created a very serious emergency in the country. The South Asian nation saw unprecedented levels of rainfall during its annual monsoon season, which was worse than the country has ever experienced before. Within only weeks, Pakistan received over 95 per cent of its total normal monsoon rainfall, which caused flash flooding across the region.

Among the worst-hit areas were the provinces of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, and Sindh along the river Indus, which burst its banks and flooded thousands of square kilometres of land. It will take months for the floodwaters to recede, as one-third of the country is still submerged underwater.

The cost to human life has been devastating. Sadly, the floods have killed over 1,700 people, including over 520 children. The ravaging flood waters have also washed away and destroyed homes, buildings, roads, villages, and farmland, leaving tens of thousands of people homeless and displaced.

The floods have also washed away hectares and hectares of farmland and crops and killed over 1.2 million livestock. This has impacted the supply of animal products such as milk and meat, which has caused widespread food shortages and hiked up food prices.

Among the surviving populations, deadly, waterborne diseases such as dengue fever and cholera are spreading, as are skin infections. Yet, these people cannot access medications or medical treatment to relieve their suffering, because the floodwaters have damaged hospitals, clinics and medical facilities.

What’s more, the floods have polluted water sources and destroyed water supply lines, forcing people to either drink contaminated water or dehydrate. To make matters worse, the flood survivors are also struggling without adequate sanitation facilities to use. Poor sanitation and hygiene was already a problem across Pakistan before the floods occurred, particularly in poor, rural areas, as 79 million people (or 2 out of 5 people) lack access to a proper toilet. Now, the floods have caused major damage to toilets, water pumps, water wells and other sanitation facilities. This poses a huge threat to health and wellbeing, as it leaves people with no choice but to openly defecate- which increases the risk of contracting bacterial infections and leaves women and girls more susceptible to abuse.

As you can see, Pakistan has never been in a more dire state of emergency. The floods have caused a huge public health emergency across the country, with thousands of its citizens reaping the consequences of a natural disaster through no fault of their own.

What is the economic impact of the 2022 floods in Pakistan?

There are serious financial consequences to the floods. Pakistan is now facing $14.9 billion in damages and $15.2 billion in economic losses, which will take years to recover from. Agriculture, housing, transport and livestock are the areas which have suffered the most severe damage.

Unfortunately, the floods have caused millions of people to lose their homes, farmland, livestock, assets and livelihoods. There is a sense of despair and hopelessness across the country, as the floods have deprived people of a regular income and exacerbated levels of poverty, hunger, and unemployment.

The natural disaster has forced thousands to realise that they may have to depend solely on humanitarian support, in order to survive this crisis.

woman holding child in flood stricken pakistan

How can we help the people affected by the floods in Pakistan?

We at Zohra Foundation encourage you to donate to our charity organisation so that we can provide financial assistance to the people in Pakistan who have been affected by the floods.

These people desperately need our help, as the catastrophic floods have left them without shelter, food, clean water, income, medical aid, toilet facilities, and essential supplies such as winter clothing.

It has never been more important to help these needy people, whose lives are in absolute ruin and misery.

Our team members at Zohra Foundation are on the ground, in Pakistan, distributing life-saving aid to people affected by the disastrous floods.

We are providing cooked meals, clean water, kitchen utensils, tents, and hygiene kits, to help our brothers and sisters recover from this calamity.

We have also started rebuilding the homes that so many have lost.

Click here to donate to our Pakistan Flood Appeal today– to help us restore the lives that millions have lost and rebuild Pakistan today.

Every penny helps- we are grateful for all the donations we get, which will fund the emergency aid that people in Pakistan are in urgent need of.

flood survivors in a camp in pakistan

What relief projects does Zohra Foundation carry out to help people in Pakistan?

‘Adopt a Grandparent’ scheme

Zohra Foundation runs an ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ scheme, to provide free medical treatment, food and shelter to the elderly.

The elderly in Pakistan are reliant on others to survive.  Even those who live alone need financial support for food and medical treatment. 

Elderly people are often forced to live in silence and manage health issues that could be improved or treated with medicine. Many of the elderly give up hope and today, the suicide rate and depression amongst the elderly are rapidly increasing in Pakistan.

With our ‘Adopt a Grandparent Scheme’, for just £25 a month, you can provide the basic necessities to support an elderly person and relieve their caregivers of the financial burden.

Donating to an elderly person will offer them an opportunity to live their final days with the respect, dignity and honour that they deserve.

Click here to support our ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ scheme and help restore hope in a vulnerable elderly person’s life today.

Care for orphans and children in poverty

There are thought to be around 4 million orphaned children in Pakistan. Losing one or two parents can throw a child’s future into jeopardy.

In many cases, children are forced to beg in the streets or work in menial jobs to survive, which puts them at risk of abuse and robs them of education opportunities.

At Zohra Foundation, our Orphan Care Appeal ensures that orphans and impoverished children can access the essentials that they need to survive. Our aim is to provide financial assistance to as many of these children as we can.

For just £25 a month, you can provide free medical treatment, food and shelter to an orphan child and support to their caregivers.  Give these vulnerable children an opportunity to have a better life with the dignity which they deserve.

It is our responsibility to care for orphans and we must not neglect those in need.

Click here to read our blog article on ‘how to sponsor an orphan in Pakistan?’

Click here to donate to our Orphan Care Appeal and help save young ones from hardships that no child should ever have to go through.

Dementia care

Here at Zohra Foundation, we provide dementia care for patients in need. Our dedicated dementia care team in Pakistan travel across the country to provide free psychological and medical support to patients.

We help individuals maintain their physical and cognitive well-being, and we educate caregivers about the progressive nature of the disease and consider how it can be managed at home.  Without our dedicated nurses and doctors, thousands of elderly people in the country would be left neglected, isolated and struggling.

Click here to donate to our Dementia Care campaign, to support vulnerable older patients with their physical and mental well-being and help eradicate the stigma of dementia in Pakistan.

Eye camps

At Zohra Foundation, we run eye camps for vulnerable communities across Pakistan. Our trained team members carry out routine eye exams to treat existing conditions and prevent further damage. We also offer free eye surgery and free glasses, to correct near and far-sighted impairment.

Click here to donate to our Eye Camps campaign, and give the gift of sight today.

Your donations mean that there will be greater awareness of eye health issues among the wider community, which will help elderly people get the medical treatment they need.

Why donate to Zohra Foundation?

All projects at Zohra Foundation are Zakat eligible. You can choose to make a one-off donation or donate on a monthly basis.

Click here to view the Zakat Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and find out more.

There are so many teachings in Islam which emphasise the importance of donating to charity and showing compassion for others, such as:

“The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity”. [Hadith of Prophet SAW].

“Never will you attain the good (reward) until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend, indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.” [Quran, Surah Al Imran, Ayat 92]. 

These beautiful quotes show you the importance of giving to charity- it allows you to earn the pleasure of Allah SWT, increase blessings in your life, and safeguard yourself on the Day of Resurrection.

Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity) is also an act which is very pleasing to God. The Messenger of Allah said: “When a man dies, all his good deeds come to an end except three: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), beneficial knowledge and a righteous son who prays for him.”

Therefore, Sadaqah Jariyah is an excellent way to reap countless rewards for years to come. It is a truly impactful gesture, as it makes a huge difference for vulnerable communities.

Your Sadaqah Jariyah can help support multiple generations of a needy family, to help with their health, hunger and hygiene needs.


Zohra Foundation is a London-based, UK-registered charity organization that aims to improve the lives of millions of orphans, widows and the elderly throughout Pakistan and respond to emergencies in other parts of the world.

Our teams are currently delivering emergency relief across Pakistan, following the devastating floods of summer 2022.

Donate to Zohra Foundation’s Pakistan Flood appeal here.

Support our Pakistan relief projects on medical aid, dementia camps and eye camps here.

Click here to support our ‘Adopt a Grandparent’ scheme or orphan sponsorship scheme.

To learn more about Zohra Foundation, visit the website here.

Contact us here.

To read articles on our blog, click here.

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